Japan is loudly what if for is to intervene in the Middle East - ...

Pope to MinamiI Bari gathering of ecumenical prayer for Middle ... 0 years 0 days, Global Times that Japan posted a commentary that was analyzed for a reason to intervene in the Middle East. The author, Tang Zhi than of China Social Science Academy of West Asian and African political laboratory (tansy Chao) chief. Mr. Tang [recently, Japan is moving busy that of the One related to the Middle East. One is to be dispatched to the Persian Gulf the Maritime Self-Defense Force as to protect the freedom of navigation in the next month to accelerate the talks, Motsu thing is aimed at the United States and Iran of detente in the visit to Japan of Rouha two Iranian President] It pointed out. On top of that [In the past Japan has always been non-intervention in the politics of the Middle East, I wonder why began to intervene aggressively now. The point of the calling to the reason was and] are related. Mr. Tang was first listed the benefits of the energy and the economic and trade]. [Japan's energy consumption accounts for oil and gas, imports of crude oil and natural gas accounted for and 0 respectively from the Middle East.

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